Week 7. I am finding it a little more difficult to write these blogs as time goes on, not sure why, maybe because time here is flying by at warp speed and I feel like there is barely time to take in everything that is happening. I am trying to just stay present in every moment here and in doing so you just kinda lose all the extra chatter in your mind about whats gone on, going on and going to go on. Staying present is very calming. Its funny how detached you become. I was just saying this morning that all the feelings of "missing" have kinda dissipated, not is a heartless way but more in a non-attachment way. Hard to explain but it is a very serene feeling; to just be happy where you are in the moment, not living in the future or past. No expectations and no regret. To just be.
Nicole's visit felt literally like a blink of an eye. Too fast for sure. It was so great to have her here though. We had some great dinner and breakfast talks and I even had the honor of having her in my posture clinic one day! No pressure, right? ;) THANK YOU again so much Nicole for coming out and supporting us, you have no idea how much it meant to me! Love you and see you soon.
This week was again full of dialogue, I always know when I have hit dialogue overload because I become very stressed and all the stress symptoms returned this week. No worries though, I got thru it and we only have 1 more posture to deliver! We had a few nice lectures that I really enjoyed, very contraversal but for me I agreed with a lot of the material presented so I really liked the conversations. Halloween was fun, for the evening class everyone wore orange and black or costumes, so the energy was really festive. Then for evening lecture they provided candy for us and a bunch of us dressed up in costume (Heidi and I were 80's chicks).
The weekend came super fast and we were excited to celebrate the Halloween Holiday Mexico style! A bunch of us girls headed into Acapulco town on Saturday night to see the Festival of the Dead, it was really cool, offerings were set up all over (these are like gravesites kinda, with flowers, candles, pictures, bread etc. they are offerings for the spirits when they return on that night). There were kids in costume "trick-or-treating". We had a nice little dinner in a reatuarant that overlooked the festival and then got some chocolate covered frozen bananas and headed for the disco public bus to take us to a night club where we were to meet up with some more yogis. So we get on this disco bus, blue lights and loud disco music pumping, it was a party in it self. Everyone took their places and I chose mine spot in the back of the bus where the bass was boomin' and when asked if I was ok back there, I smiled in delight and said "oh ya, I'm great back here with my banana and bass". It was a highlight for the evening for sure, guess you had to be there....
We just returned from Bonfil Playa once again after another great day at the beach! My heart is the most content at the ocean. I am really going to miss that beach and honestly am feeling a little bittersweet about there only being 2 more weeks of all this. I really love Acapulco, the people and culture, the beuty, its all so great and I am going to really miss it here.
So thats about it. Like I said, only 2 more weeks. Crazy. Bikram is back tomorrow and I am sure he will kick our asses in class for the last 2 weeks, I cant lie, I am nervous. I also am excited for his lectures again, I honestly have missed him, in a weird love/hate sorta way.
I wish you all much health, happiness and ease of well-being.
P.S. THANK YOU to everyone who left a comment and all the support you all provided! So kind. I was very surprised to see that so many of you that are reading this blog have never met me but have found interest in my blog, so thank you. And if you have not yet left a comment, please do so, it truly is the highlight of my days here when I recieve a comment. :)
hey! it's coming to a wrap. you've done it. glad everything is good. your spirits seem awsome...haven't heard from you i know its busy as hell though. drop me a line when you can.....Adam
Such a short time left! Enjoy this everything, you're finally at the 'free time' portion. Week 8 can be tough because you're soooo close and yet not quite at the end. You've had such a great attitude through it all!! Week 9 is full of "this is the last..." fill in the blank. Just keep your positive attitude and take it all in, you'll be home and teaching before you know it. Cheers on hanging in there!!!
~Roxanne (spring '08)
Hi there! Your journey sounds amazing! I recently began taking Bikram classes at BYPV. I am on day 26 of a 60 day challenge. There are so many great teachers there, as well as friendly faces.
My enthusiasm for all things Bikram led me to your page and to Heidi's. Enjoy your next two weeks and I will see you in class!
I miss you guys already! You are going to be great!!! Can't wait to see you!
I practiced with your mom today! I cannot wait for your class next Tuesday! Keep up your hard work for this final week, we are SO excited for your return. I changed my schedule around to be at your first class! I cant wait to squeeze you!
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