Another week down and only 3 more to go! Only 33 more yoga classes out of 97 total! 2/3 down, 1/3 left. It feels like we can finally see some light at the end of this long ass insane tunnel. Its relieving for sure!
Week 6 was the best yet. Rajashree returned on Monday (Raj is Bikrams's beautiful, graceful, powerful, intelliegent, caring and loving wife) and it was so amazing to hear her guide us thru the week with much ease. She taught class for us every morning, which was a complete treat. We then had lectures with her all week as well, all about the benefits of Bikram yoga. So inspiring! It was also a really nice break from posture clinics too. :) The concept of time here is a trip, the days and weeks in general fly by but the minutes and moments in themselves seem to be long and a lot of the time, painful. But all in all, we are flying right thru this with much ease, I have to say. I am very proud of Heidi and I, we spend minimal time complaining or speaking or thinking negative thoughts in general. Most of the time if they come up for one of us, we get them out and then move on. Its really nice. And I feel like it is such a great quality to have developed and stregthened here. I know in life there will always be days or things that just dont seem to go your way but if you can learn to move thru them as swiftly as possible the more room for positivity in your world and less room for negativity. So the goal I set last week to make the last 4 weeks as positive as possible, so far has been accomplished and I plan on keeping it that way!
The talks of graduation are starting to become more frequent amongst us students and the staff here and it feels a little unreal. It is a little bitter sweet I must admit, I have really made some great friends here and many that live very far away like-London...really Rachel? :( But the bright side of that is, TRAVELING to visit all these amazing friends. :) Today I said to Heidi that this little world we have created here is really feeling comfortable and normal. Scarry right? I still struggle every Saturday when we grocery shop though. My fitness mind that is obsessed with reading every label before buying anything, is still having a hard time with the kilogram/kcal spanish translations?? It will be such a treat to be back home and pick up a box and understand what is inside! I gotta say though, its quite stimulating, we really enjoy our trip to Mega a little more than we should probably.
Stress levels have been low this week and thank god for that, because I am not sure if some of the people here could take another hell week. I have heard a lot of elevator talk about frustrations people are going thru. I think a lot of people here just kinda hit their patience wall. Ya know? Its not easy living with 300 people. And we are together ALL THE TIME! There is really no such thing as your own space here, we live togther, eat together, study together, sweat together, learn together...we do it all TOGETHER! Its amazing how well we have gotten along. Next week should be another doozy, we have only 6 more postures to get thru and I predict we will finish this week, so its going to be mad studying and memorizing! I cant wait to finish though. :)
Nicole, our studio owner at PV arrives tomorrow and Heidi and I could not be more excited, we have been counting down the days until her arrival since we have been here. Its going to be so comforting to see a familiar face! YAY!! Oh and on that note, we are officially on the PV schedule as teachers!!! So exciting! Nervous excitement but excitement none the less. ;) For all you PV students, please be patient and bare with us as we work thru the kinks of teaching this wonderful yoga. When we teach our first class, it will be the first time that we will ever had said the entire dialogue all together! At training we learn one posture at a time and only say it once in front of the group, so you can only imagine what it will be like for us to say it all continuously and 2 sets of everything too! WHOA! It going to be quite the experience. Wish me luck! :) I can say with 100% certainty however that I am coming back to PV as a teacher to serve my students and I am fully committed to each and everyone of the students having and living the healthiest and best lives possible! I promise to give 100% of myself and all that I have learned here to you. It is my goal to share and spread my passion for this yoga with you all.
Tonight we have a special dinner for all us yogi's put on by the hotel, complete with a bon fire marshmellow roasting session on the beach! Yes! Then a few of us friends are gonna head to the reggae bar down the road to listen to some good music for a little bit. Tomorrow is surfing day! I cant wait! I have been looking forward to surfing all week! We have plans to head down to Bonfil Playa again to surf and study. :)
Thats it, things are all good. I am feeling really awesome. Lots of energy and stregth these days. I am in very positive spirits and overall just really happy.
I hope you are all well, happy and healthy!
Lots of love to you,
P.S. I have one special request from all of you, if you are reading this blog will you PLEASE leave me a comment? At the bottom right here, you see where is says
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