I'm still ALIVE!
This week has come and gone faster than all the weeks before. That is a good thing! A really, really good thing. :)
There is not a whole lot to report this week, maybe because it was a bit of a blur, the days were pretty much all the same (except for one really special night at lecture). We had posture clinics every afternoon for 4 hours and then again all the evenings too, another 2 hours, so there was a TON of memorization happening in my world. Maybe thats why the week was a blur, my brain was full of dialogue and there was not much room for any other thoughts... I dont know, I officially have "Yoga Brain".
We were blessed on Sunday night with news that we got approved to change rooms, yay! Thank you again so much for you help Joe! :) We are now proud tentants in the Princessa Tower, with an amazing ocean view and internet in our room (this is pure luxury here, I am SO grateful)! By the way our room # is now 2519, in case you would like to find me. It has made all the difference in the world being in a room where we get to watch the sunset over the ocean every single night and sleep with the sounds of waves crashing.
We had another little earthquake on Thursday night around midnight, its always a trip when your bed just starts shaking out of no where but they are not as scarry as before for me because we have had so many I guess I am kinda getting use to them.
So, the special lecture night, it was Thursay night, and it was a super powerful night for me. We had a really emotional heartfelt lecture lead by some senior teachers on the topic of "healing" and the healing power that takes place in our bodies, minds and souls because of this yoga. It was really beautiful and I feel honored to be a part of the conversation that night. Then Manali (who is Bikrams niece and his assistant) gave us a huge gift, our first Meditation. She lead us thru it with a chant from India that she has heard from her father since she was 5 years old. It was beyond beautiful. And there was some really amazing feelings and healing that took place in my heart that night. I am forever grateful for it. And I cant describe in words the vibe that was present when 300 of us chanted "Om" together to close the meditation. It was incredible. Manali let us know that the meditation that night was for us to "let go", she had been noticing that a lot of us were still holding on to so much stress and anxiety and she really expressed that it was time to let it go! She also said in order for that to happen two things really needed to be present; 1)happiness and 2) mercy (forgiveness). It really hit home for me because earlier that night I was looking at photo's of my life (which I really had not done since I have been here) and I told Heidi that I really was starting to see myself with different eyes. This is good because I think I have had a bit of a disorted self imagine for the last couple of years. It felt really awesome. The first day we were here Rajashree (Bikrams's wife) requested that we fall into unconditional love with ourselves while we are here. At the time I thought, ya that sounds good, but how do I do that? True, honest unconditional love, for myself? Well, my friends, I think the process has began and it has taken place completely organically. Authentically. Self Realization, is where true happiness lies and I am beginning to open my eyes to what it is all about. Anyways, I am probably getting a little deep for a blog but I wanted to share with you all that I am really finding true happiness in my own heart and realizing for the first time that happiness in my heart IS ultimate happiness. I spoke to my mom about this very topic before coming out here, remember mom? And she assured me that I would have some clarity on the many questions in my mind and she was right! Mom, you have no idea how present you were in my meditation that night, it literally brought tears to my eyes. You are an amazing woman and I am blessed to have you as my mom. Thank you for all that you have done for me, I am forever grateful. And thank you for being the amazing soul and source of love that you are. I love you deeply. xoxo ...And HAPPY early BIRTHDAY! :)
Wow, well, thats all I got. I am comitted to making the next 4 weeks as positive as possible, and trust me it is a conscience effort that has to be made every moment of every day here. Its easy to get wrapped up in the stress and negativity, we are all so exhausted, mentally, physicall, and emotionally that its a true challenge to stay strong. I have a feeling however that the next 4 weeks are going to go by quite rapidly, so I am committed to embracing them for all that they offer.
I send lots of love and light to you all and my hope is that your hearts are all happy and healthy! I miss you all very much.
~your yogi chick~
P. S.-PLEASE be sure and read my roomie Heidi's blog too! She does such an amazing job.
this is our view from our room :)
what an amazing journey!
hey sasha...been thinking a lot about you and sending you lots of love...keep up the awesome work. You are such a strong girl!!!
Rachel W
What a beautiful entry!
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