Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 2!

Earthquakes and Such

Another week down! Sweet! This last week has been much better for me than week 1, thank god. I feel like I have adjusted to the humidity and the yoga room a lot more and my practise is actaully starting to resemble the one I had at home. :) No more nausea and all that jazz. Dont get me wrong, its still hard as hell but its (Bikram Yoga) is always hard as hell.

Here's a little run down on my week...

Sunday night, got woken up in the middle of the night by an earthquake, which at first I thought was maybe a dream but was soon confirmed it a reality when I asked Heidi "did you feel that?" and she responded half asleep with a little "ya". Then we had the infamous Emmy Monday morning to teach our class and her opening line was "you guys are all very brave to make it thru the earthquake". No worries not a big deal but the thought of more earthquakes and tsumani's did put a little fear in mind for a minute. I am learing to be careful of my thoughts here, it has happened serveral times now that Heidi and I will be talking about randomness and then it will appear. Like the day we were trippin' on the eel in the fish tank in the restaurant and I was telling her how I use to have an eel in my fish tank years ago and how she thinks eels are completely horrible and wrong and then no joke, later that day we went on a walk and there was an eel on the beach struggling to get back into the water (heidi got a great photo of it). Oh and then there was the talk we had about bats and how when I was little a bat got trapped in my room and scared the living shit out of me and how I hate bats, then literally the next night there was a freakin' bat trapped in the auditorium where we do lectures and it was flying over our heads in circles, like a damn haunted house. So strange. This is very random, I know, but it definitley tripped us out a bit and caused some good laughs too. We laugh a lot, I think its mostly sleep deprivation causing the outbursts but I will take them! So we are trying to be very careful about what we talk about though for sure.

The rest of the week pretty much all runs together;kinda like ground hogs day, we often forget what day it is or when something occured because it all seems the same. Wake up, eat 1/2 a banana, head to class, swim in the salt water pool, shower, eat brunch, go to lecture, back to class, drink a protein shake, back to lecuture and then try to get as much shut eye as possible. Tuesday night however was memberable, class was with Bikram and things were flowing for me, I was in my zone. We got to Triangle pose and I was feeling strong and focused, totally engaged in what I was doing and nothing else, when all of a sudden I hear a roar of gasps and little screams and then Bikram saying "Eathquake, come up, Earthquake, come up, come up Earthquake!" Ya, it took him saying it 3 times for it to register in my brain what was happening. I think that is called meditation. It was again very strange and also an experience that reminded me of a conversation Heidi and I had the day before when she expressed a little fear of "having an earthqueake in the yoga room", again, we are now being more aware of what is coming out of our mouths.

So for the most part this week went according to plan. Except for the fact that my right sciatica is fully inflamed and in a lot of pain. Not fun at all but I am dealing with it best I know how and am convinced it will pass soon. Of course I am still very exhausted daily but I am trusting the process and moving forward. We had some great speakers, got emerged in our Anatomy lessons (which thank goodness are all just a review for me, others are not so lucky and are very stressed about the upcoming exams). I feel like most of us here are adjusting and doing fine. We are all experiencing ups and downs and mood swings are in full bloom but all in all I think we are aware of them and more accepting of them.

Meeting more amazing yogi's daily and getting closer to our little crew and observing and embracing it all the best we can with our "yoga brains".

I am healthy and happy and enjoying the ride. The luxeries I have back home sound very inviting from time to time but I am not even allowing myself to go there in my mind. It will all be there when I get back and I will appreciate everything so much more for sure! I am reserving the weekends for blogging, listening to tunes, dinners out, laying by the pool (we are afterall at a very nice resort) and just indulging in all my little guilty pleasures. It is something I totally look forward to and had no idea how much I would crave!

I hope you are all doing well. I am really missing you all very much! You're in my thoughts, and I appreciate you all in my life. I know that I am very lucky to have such an amazing network of friends and family and I am very grateful for that.

Til next week...


P.S. I highly recommend checking out my roomie Heidi's blog as well, she is a bit more descriptive on the day to day details here. Good job girl! You can click on her blog from my page, just look over to the right side of the page under my favorite links.

P.P.S. If any of you feel like giving me a call on the weekends the number here is: 52-744-469-1000 room #720
I would love it!

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